- By age six, girls already have internalized the message that computers and robots are a boy thing, and by the time they reach high school, boys are 2.5 times more likely to have been encouraged by a teacher to take computer science. Read More.
- But once they've tried a creative robotics program, girls report enjoying the hardware and software development just as much as boys do. Read More.
- Maine's gender gap in computer science and engineering is much worse than the national average. Read More.
- However, there's good news! Research is showing many ways for leaders to make computing programs more inclusive. Read More.
- As of the end of the school year in 2018, about 200 Maine students have attended Gizmo Garden-designed programs, all of which enrolled about half females. With the increased capacity that comes from our partnership with the Maine State Library, that number could double by the end of the summer!