Gizmo Garden is a privately funded Maine Limited Liability Company (Charter #20162811DC) based in Nobleboro, Maine. We support gender-balanced computer science, electronics, and robotics programs for grades 5-12 in Maine.
Our founding volunteers are Bill and Judy Silver. Bill received BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from MIT and holds six dozen patents. He is co-founder and Senior Fellow Emeritus of Cognex Corporation (CGNX), which makes machine vision systems. He also is a Research Associate in the computer science department of Bowdoin College and has taught Computer Science there. Judy received a BS in physics and worked as a "human computer" in the defense industry, edited a laser publication, & sold industrial automation equipment before retiring to raise four children.

Skidompha Library in Damariscotta, Maine, is Gizmo Garden's foundational partner and incubator. All of our projects have premiered there and some have repeated up to four times due to their popularity. We are indebted to the staff, board of directors, and particularly to Executive Director Pam Gormley for their faith and support.